Young Evie walked into Dan and Margaret’s home and never looked back.  She knew she was home to stay and settled right in to learn the lay of the land.  It turns out the land sometimes hosts visits from curious cloven-hoofed, four-legged neighbors and it’s even rumored that Evie has been spotted dancing with deer. Dan and Margaret sent us an update of their lovely new girl:Evie is a delight. Her transition into our family was instantaneous. In some ways she seems older than her 11 months, as she minds very well, obeying commands and learning the rules of our home. That said, she’s very playful, at times a little more than her nine year old brother, Lucas (also a SHLR alumnus) wants. But he is happy to have a companion once again to wrestle and play tug of war with. So far, she has only chewed up one pillow, which is less damage than our other young labs have done in the past. Unfortunately, it was filled with down feathers…A few days ago three young deer wandered into our yard. I came around the corner to see Evie and one of the deer face to face about six feet apart. After staring at each other for several seconds, Evie and the deer began to play a game of advance and retreat, where they would alternately run toward and then back away from each other. This went on for a couple minutes. I’ve never seen anything like it, as our other Labs either chased deer or were afraid of them. It was wonderful to see such a playful interaction between two unusual playmates. We’re so happy Evie has come into our lives. Thank you SHLR!Many thanks to Ladean for fostering Evie!