It’s time to catch up on the adventures of Annie, a five-year-old brindle beauty who is happily settling into the good life with her new mom, Kate. Miss Annie is tall and lean and on the larger side, but she’s every inch the gentlelady and always ready with a soft greeting and a moment to spare for everyone she meets.
Kate tells us: Annie fits seamlessly into my life – she is as sweet and smart and desirous of learning and pleasing as any dog I have ever met. She loves her walks and hikes and is happy to curl up quietly or chew on a bully stick as I work. I kept the name, Annie, not wanting to change too many things as she adapted, but I have joked with others that D.D. — for dream dog — might be more appropriate, because she is such a gift! Generally quite mellow, Annie’s interests (and instincts) are peaked by squirrels and rabbits. When she first arrived, walks were mostly for hunting: as she forged ahead, ears perked, brow furrowed, scanning under every bush and up each tree. We have been working on mitigating her penchant for the chase with the help of a trainer from our local humane society and have already made great progress in allowing her enough freedom to do what she enjoys while having a safe and pleasant walk! People stop me on the street to comment on her beautiful brindle coat, and she is always happy to oblige an inquiring petter. Children especially seem to be curious about her. The below photo shows what a gentle giant she is: we were outside at a restaurant and a couple of toddlers came over to greet her. I’ve included a few photos of our recent trip to meet her grandparents.Thank you, Safe Harbor, for everything that you do. I feel truly fortunate that Annie came my way.