Lovely Bella pranced her way into David and Nanci’s lives with all the optimism and enthusiasm that nine-month-old Lab pups tend to have in abundance. This joyful girl is all about the fun and games but is also studying up on how to be the very best girl she can be. Although Bella never had the chance to meet her big brothers Cisco and Tucker, they’re likely keeping an eye on this little one and helping her avoid any serious faux paws as she explores the world and snuggles into her own unique spot in her new family. Bella’s parents sent us an update on their pup: “Safe Harbor Lab Rescue has always held a special place in our hearts. Our beloved Labs, Cisco and Tucker, came to our family through Safe Harbor in 2009 and 2011, respectively. Sadly, we lost both of them this past year. Our home was just not the same without them. After much consideration, we decided to adopt another Lab. When we read Blackberry’s story, we knew that Cisco and Tucker would have wanted us to open our hearts and home to this sweet girl.
“Bella is all puppy! She is very curious and energetic. Bella loves to go on walks, play catch, and go to the dog park. She has even ventured out with us on a couple of hikes in the snow. Bella keeps us on our toes and makes us laugh. We are confident that Cisco and Tucker sent this sweet puppy to help heal our hearts and fill our home with Lab energy.”