Ben was very obedient, loving, loyal and could be protective towards certain people. He was a sensitive little guy, so I have never yelled at him or raised my voice (never). He had a little bit of a quirky personality, which enhanced his character and made many friends in his life (both two and four legged). He was always “on task” and loved learning, so starting as a puppy he and I worked together in developing many commands with both verbal and sign.

He loved going for walks most every day of his life. During those walks, people and other animals would want to say, “Hi” to Ben and he would oblige quickly, but then back to focus on his walk. Towards the end of his life, he was still the most handsome, likable guy in the neighborhood, he had learned far too many commands to list, responded to numerous English words and almost always knew what I was going to do from one moment to the next. And in return I learned all his needs, what he liked and what was important to him. He was my best friend!!