Puppy love is in the air at Paula and Brian’s house now that a handsome five-month-old yellow Lab has joined the family. Formerly known as Pal, their new pup is now proudly sporting the name of Bowie, and there’s no doubt he’s rocking it. With a new life filled with walks, hikes, play time, swim time, snuggles, and love, young Bowie has a very full schedule these days.
Paula and Brian sent us an update on their new boy:
From the moment we met him at his vetting in Aurora, we knew Pal –now Bowie- would be a joyful addition to our family. Safe Harbor had just rescued him from a doggie day care where he had been abandoned for three of his five months of life. So we knew he got along with other dogs but how about people? Although extremely timid at first, he has grown into a lanky, loving, ‘thinks he’s a lap dog’, puppy who can make a game out of any bone, ball, or pull toy and loves any kind of people. He’s met the neighborhood elk and deer and wonders when he will get to play with them, ‘whatever they are.’ He’s sharp as a knife and quite the rockstar, hence his very fitting name Bowie. We are so grateful for all the work and love Safe Harbor staff and volunteers offer these dogs and the families who adopt them. Both staff and the vet’s office have called to see how he is doing, and even took him in for an additional check-up for free. Thanks a million Safe Harbor!