Brie came to our household on Friday, Oct 28, as a foster dog whose name, at that time, was Susie. I’ve been (with Jonathan’s support and help) fostering dogs from Safe Harbor Lab Rescue since early 2021. Within several days, we felt that Brie was “the dog” for us.
Brie came from Arkansas under not-so-nice conditions. She is about one year old (we made Oct. 28 her ‘official’ birthday since she arrived on that day) and is a yellow Lab, most likely American breed and not English breed (like Brook was), and she comes in weighing about 54 pounds. We formally adopted her on Saturday, Nov 5.
She was very timid when she arrived but is warming up to visitors at our house more quickly than at first. Brie is learning more commands, though it appeared she knew Sit, Down, Come, Leave It–she just needed a refresher. Her Stay has improved drastically and Roll Over is still comical! She “aced” the assessment at Beds-n-Biscuits doggie day care this past Wednesday and was equally sociable with dogs and humans. She LUV’d the snow we had the other week–that’s good, because she’ll eventually accompany me on some ski tours. I hope! Brie walks so well on-leash, too.
Why “Brie,” you ask? My favorite French cheese, it’s easy to say, and it totally fits her personality. If you’re in the ‘hood sometime, I hope you’ll stop by and meet Brie. Jonathan and I are happy to again have a furry, 4-legger living with us!