You don’t meet a dog named Dave every day, so Lynn and Karin knew it must be their lucky day when Dave the dog came and parked himself in their hearts and home.  At eight years old, Dave is already a man of the world, and he’s been enjoying sharing pearls of wisdom, tips for training humans, and the occasional snack, with his equally sage nine-year-old brother, Buddy the poodle. Lynn and Karin sent us a note about their adventures with Dave:“Adopting A Dog: We have adopted rescue dogs in the past. We received a call from Safe Harbor Lab Rescue, and after careful consideration we decided to adopt a dog named “Dave.”

Dave had some problem teeth that we took care of immediately. Aside from a few quirky personality traits, it has been a great experience adopting a dog. Dave is happy here. He made friends with our miniature poodle, Buddy. Both dogs anticipate the daily walks to various parks.

Most of all, Dave is a great companion. He is a member of our family forever. Dave is love.”Many thanks to Joe H. for fostering Dave!