Diana, Andy, and their three kids have welcomed four-year-old Ellie into their family. This lovely platinum blond girl joins her new Lab brother, handsome nine-year-old Hoss, in the four-legged kids club. Ellie had quite a bit of schooling to catch up on when she arrived and appeared to have played hooky from most of her etiquette classes in the past. Her new parents are very patiently helping her get on track with her training and giving her all the guidance she needs to succeed, and Miss Ellie is taking notes and working hard to become the very best little Lab girl she can be.
Ellie’s new mom writes: Ellie (fka Noelle) has obviously had a really rough time and wasn’t familiar with living inside or with a family. She was very new to the idea of having regular meals, and was in desperate need of some manners. She is, however, a very bright girl, and with proper treat motivation has learned a lot about where she can potty, how to have nice dinner manners, and how to go inside/outside without knocking people over.
She’s still learning about not showing her love by jumping up on people (including random joggers), what is/isn’t food, how to calmly go up/down stairs, and how to walk nicely on a leash. All in good time. She spends most of her days lying beside me in my office and loves to go for good long walks. Her new brother, Hoss, is a bit of a grumpy old man and doesn’t have much interest in playing with her, but the look on his face as she does full speed zoomies around him is priceless.