For most dog parents, one of the best things about coming home is being greeted at the door by a four-legged kid who truly believes that your return after a few hours (or moments) away is absolutely the most exciting thing EVER. Lynn and Phillip have had Labs most of their lives and were dearly missing those wiggling, wagging greetings and all the love and companionship that comes along with them, after the recent heartbreaking losses of their three senior Labs over the last year and a half. While none of our dogs can ever be replaced, if we are lucky our hearts will grow enough to allow the next wonderful souls to wag their way in and take up residence in our hearts and home as if they’d always been there. A beautiful five-month-old blonde pup named Hannah claimed a piece of Lynn and Phillip’s hearts and has joined their family, and their home and lives are once again happily filled with the pitter patter of Lab feet.

Hannah’s new parents sent us an update on their girl:  After losing all three of our precious labs at ripe old ages (two of which were from SHLR) we felt ready to take on a new member of our family. Hannah, formerly Jasmine, is just what the doctor ordered for lots of laughter and fun. The first thing people remark is how beautiful she is. Then, after a brief pause, how big her feet are! She is growing into those quickly and our bed is feeling smaller.

Running, hiking, camping, zoomies, playing with friends, puppy kisses, and bunny tracking are some of her favorite things. We could not feel more blessed to have sweet Hannah in our lives! We will probably add a companion in a couple of months!

Thank you SHLR. All of you are awesome!