That handsome yellow fellow with the puppy dog eyes and wagging tail who recently joined Courtney’s family is none other than Jax the Lab. A three-year-old boy with places to go, people to see, dogs to visit, and horses and wildlife to observe, Jax is always first in line to hop in the car and help run some errands, visit friends and family, or just go for a rolling sightseeing tour.
His new mom sent us a list of some her favorite things about Jax: He is an absolute joy and really makes me laugh. He plays well with other family dogs – a Rottweiler belonging to my son – a Basset Hound belonging to my daughter. His favorite toy is one with 3 rings attached, which he chases and retrieves over and over. He likes to sleep on his beach towel with his paw over his nose. He absolutely loves riding in the car and is well behaved in the car. He is adjusting well to country life in the foothills west of Fort Collins where he sees horses, deer, and other wild animals (but is not allowed to chase them, for his own safety.)
Thank you, Safe Harbor Lab Rescue!! Many thanks to Winifred for fostering Jax!