Kodi is a very lucky pup!  At just ten months old, his life was on hold while he waited to be adopted.  In his mind, he couldn’t understand what was taking so long! But patience always has its rewards.  Lorna, Tom, and their children, Camden and Morgan, came to meet Kodi, and on that very day, his life was changed forever.  Kodi suddenly developed a severe case of puppy love.  His heart raced with joy when he heard all of the laughing and giggles while showing off his puppy antics.  As you may have already guessed, Kodi was adopted that day.  Now that is pure Labrador joy!  Our story:  Kodi and FamilyAfter losing our black lab two years ago, we were all ready to welcome another lab into our home this spring.  We adopted “Kodi” (formerly Arlo/Alvin) into our home in April 2016 and he quickly became a much-loved part of our family.  We have enjoyed taking him hiking, to soccer games, the dog park, playing catch and are looking forward to many adventures with him this summer.   When he was rescued, the foster mom had just started “house-training” him and at 10 months, he was a very quick learner with only a few days of “training” at our house before he perfected this necessary skill.  He has learned his new name and many commands such as sit, shake, lay down, come, and others during the four weeks he has been with us.  We have thoroughly enjoyed his personality where he can be a very lively puppy running circles in the yard to a sweet little pup ready to cuddle as he lays on his bed.  We are so happy that we “saved” our sweet Kodi and he has found his “forever home”