Lucas has taught me not to give up on people; no matter if one or two have hurt you in the past. He has taught me not to be so hard on myself; no matter the physical or emotional obstacles; there is always a reason to be happy and be grateful for what you have. He motivates me to try new things and, to enjoy the things I used to in the past: a good movie, a walk, catch with a friend…that’s what makes my dog, Lucas, so special to me.

It was hard sometimes at the beginning. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be a good mom for him. I was afraid. I wasn’t sure if Lucas was the dog for me or if he fit the idea of a dog I had in mind. It turned out he was. He is. He didn’t give up on me and I am so grateful he is in my life. It took patience, leave my fear and pride behind and ask for help from more experienced dog owners. Safe Harbor Lab Rescue staff was there to listen and give me advice. Bottom line: I would do it again and I will in the future when my Lucas is no longer with me…I don’t even want to think about that but I will be there by his side when the time comes. In conclusion, I am pretty sure he has given me more than I have to him.

I don’t think Lucas had been on a boat before but, that’s what he did on his 8th birthday. He was scared at first but, with a little bit of help, he got on and enjoyed the ride. He had some vanilla ice cream in Grand Lake as well. Lucas also likes to watch soccer (COLOMBIA!!!) just like me!