Jenine and Bill’s family recently grew by four paws and a wagging tail when the lucky, lovely Lucy came home to stay. Two-year-old Lucy is a beautiful, bouncy blond with a puppy passion for play, and she’s a very good girl who always tries to mind her manners whether out walking her parents or frolicking with friends. Jenine and Bill sent us an update on their new girl: Lucy has more than lived up to the billing on her poop sheet. She is a real sweety and one happy go lucky pup.The first morning we went to the park for our walk, she didn’t really want to get in the car. The second morning the tail was wagging and she jumped right in. Good things await! Long walks every day! She quickly learned polite behavior at the dog park and on walks. She can get pretty excited about those squirrels and bunnies, but she is really good at controlling her emotions and has become good at “leaving it” and walking on. It took her a day or two to figure out the dog door, but now she insists on using her door even if we are opening the big door. She likes to stick her head through just to check things out. The mud room gets a little chilly. And we’ve never had a dog that loved squeaky toys like our Lucy does. The house resounds with a cacophony of tortured plush critters, balls, and chewy things. She couldn’t be more perfect for us.
Many thanks to Kris and Brent for fostering Lucy/Sushi!