MollyIt’s always extra special when one of our wonderful volunteers and one of our wonderful Labs find each other and decide to become a family. Doris is a long time Safe Harbor volunteer who has so generously opened her home to 20 foster dogs over a three year period, and tells us that she “loved every single one of them” and always found it very rewarding when one of her fosters was adopted. Recently, a lovely five-year-old black Lab foster girl named Molly came for what was supposed to be a very short stay with Doris, but they both quickly realized that life was much better together. Molly was soon officially home forever, and these days she’s the happiest hound around, with and a smile in her eyes and her head held high as she proudly shows off her new mom on their frequent walks around the neighborhood.

Doris tells their story: Molly is my second Safe Harbor Lab. I adopted my first Safe Harbor lab, Dakota, five years ago. When she passed away, I knew I needed another happy faced lab in my life again. I was asked by Carol (our Safe Harbor nurse) if I could foster Molly for a few days while she was on vacation. Of course I fell in love with Molly right away. Molly got along with my cat and she was so sweet and gentle with the neighbor kids. One of the neighbor kids especially liked Molly and she told me, “I really think you should adopt Molly because she is such a nice dog.”

Molly loves to snuggle up next to me while I watch TV or read a book, that is so sweet. Molly loves to go for walks which we do several times a day and she loves to go for car rides and play with her squeaky toys. She had an untreated thyroid condition and half of her tail didn’t have fur on it, and her coat was full of dandruff. Now she has a beautiful lab tail and her coat is so shiny.

Molly is such a wonderful sweet girl and I am so lucky to have her in my life.

Doris and Molly