Young Sebastian has had to overcome a lot in his short life, but this kid’s a fighter who always comes out on top. As a pup, he ended up in a shelter with a case of parvo but managed to make his way to Safe Harbor and beat this terrible disease. By about eight months old, this dog with nine lives was on the mend, feeling fit, and ready for a lifetime of adventure.  That’s exactly what he has found with his new dad, Jordan, who adopted Sebastian last summer and includes his athletic and enthusiastic pup in all of his many outdoor pursuits.

Jordan recently filled us in on Murphy’s (formerly known as Sebastian) wonderful new life:

I ended up using the name Murphy and he has taken well to it.  He has filled out nicely and is a pretty solid 65 lbs at this point.  We are making good progress on basic commands.  He is very well behaved in the house and we have a blast hiking various trails, camping, and occasionally visiting dog parks.  This guy likes to retrieve and has a lot of fun swimming.  He is obsessed with other dogs and plays very well (even with some that aren’t really in the mood for playing).  Murphy is a good friend and great motivation.