Young Odin was delighted to trade in life on the lam for lap time on the couch, two squares a day, and a new Lab brother to pal around with. The best part for this beautiful 2ish-year-old Lab pup is knowing that his new parents, Marie and Ken, chose him to be a part of their family from now until forever.
Odin’s new dad reports:
Odin (the Wanderer), formerly Wesson, has settled in nicely with our family of two humans and one black Lab, Augie, age six. Odie is learning our patterns and is less underfoot than when he first joined us. He has craved contact and petting from the start and will sit with eyes almost closed while being petted, sometimes falling asleep just sitting there. He does his best to get old man Augie to play, jumping and play-stancing, and is occasionally successful. He has a much better success rate with our daughter’s two-year-old Australian Cattle Dog.
Odie has a beautiful, effortless gait while running the yard or chasing rabbits. Leash walking is a work in progress. Like all Labs, he loves his food and is learning to catch treats. He is doing really well at waiting for the ‘OK’ to be released to eat a meal. One of our favorite traits is the way he verbalizes that he wants petting or attention. Think of the sound of Chewbacca in Star Wars, and this is Odie, asking for attention. Maybe we should change his name to “Chewy?”