Hollis arrived at Safe Harbor with only the fur on his back, a twinkle in his eye, and hope in his heart. With his first birthday fast approaching, young Hollis was a handsome young Lab lad with his whole life ahead of him, and his only wish was to find a family to share it with. His dreams soon came true when Kate and Henry, and their kids, Colin and Hannah, chose him to join their family. Now known as Oliver, this happy pup now wags himself awake every morning, ready to greet his family and see what adventures the new day will bring.
Kate sent us an update on life with Oliver: We adopted Oliver (fka Hollis) on July 30. We should have named him ‘Shadow’ for his black fur and the fact that he follows us around like a shadow. After a few weeks of being a little shy, he has started to show his true personality. He is a sweet boy with a very calm demeanor. He loves his walks and could take a dozen a day. He’s getting used to the yard and all the fun animals it comes with: squirrels, birds, bees, and dogs and chickens on the other side of the fence. There are two things about Oliver that we love: his butt wiggle and his stretches. When he is excited to see you or when he wakes up, he wags his tail so much that his whole backside wiggles. It can’t help but make you smile. For his stretches, he goes from full downward dog to cobra pose. His puppy looks and good manners get him a lot of compliments. We are so happy to have him as part of our pack.