Maggie and Jason added fun on four paws to their family when they brought home adorable young Ollie. Ollie is a lanky Lab mix with a couple of telltale white toes that perfectly set off his jet-black coat and give this gorgeous boy a look of distinction. Still just a big pup at about a year old, Ollie is studying hard to pass his puppy finals as he bones up on all the dos and don’ts and yeses and nos that are part of a day in the life of a well-rounded family Lab.
Ollie’s new family sent us an update on their boy: We re-named Lincoln “Ollie.” He’s a love bug!. Our vet says he’s a year old, not two years old as was originally thought. We are all getting used to his routine of getting up, eating, walking, playing with toys, lounging in the warmth of the sun through the windows, or sleeping by the fire, then walking and eating and more lounging again later in the day.
Ollie has easily shredded through 15 toys, but he’s kept a few of the squeakies intact, and he pushes on them with his nose to get them to squeak and then wanders the house whining with excitement about his prize possessions.
He loves people and dogs, and has enjoyed time with both since we brought him home.
We are still trying to fully understand one another’s idiosyncrasies, but we are learning and becoming more comfortable day by day. When we brought him home, he didn’t know his name or any commands, and now he knows his name, sit, down, stay (sort of) come (sort of) and he walks pretty well on the leash. He’s a g’boy and we love him!