One-year-old Onyx is home to stay with his new mom, Elyse, and his new yellow Lab sister, ten-year-old Sasha. Onyx is loving the family life, particularly his mom’s home cooking, and he’s packing on some needed healthy pounds in preparation for this summer’s outdoor activities. This happy, handsome, youngster is thriving in his new home and thoroughly enjoying accompanying his mom up and down the mountain trails.

Elyse sent us an update on her new boy: Onyx came to our household underweight and timid. He quickly blossomed into an outgoing, curious, and cuddly member of the family. I adopted Sasha from Safe Harbor in 2009 and she has since ruled the household. Onyx has quickly won over me and (most importantly) Sasha’s heart. We have gone on a few mountain adventures to get him acclimated to the Colorado climate and are planning several more this summer! We look forward to creating many more memories over the years to come!

Pictured below is Onyx, with a background photo-bomb by his new sister, Sasha.