Good heavens, could a puppy be any more lovable and just a tad sillier than our little Walter?!

He’s as delightful as a puppy can be: cheerful, loving, playful, busy and with all joie de vivre that comes with being a puppy! He’s three months old and about 17 pounds. ”Wally”, his mom (a chocolate Lab, not sure who dad was) and his siblings were unwanted by their family. We were fortunate to work with an excellent rescue partner who made sure this little family was well cared for until they could be flown to us by Pilots and Paws.

It’s been a while since his foster family that incudes two adult Labs has welcomed a puppy and he’s added a fun and lively note to their family! Wally is crate trained and making good progress with his house training. A smart eager to please little guy he knows how to “sit” and “Come puppy!” He relishes his meals and nary a morsel is left when he’s done. His faves? Eating, chasing toys and running around outside with his foster siblings. Stopping to dig a little hole or snag a flower is great fun too! Being a puppy, he likes to chew so a good supply of approved chewables is a must.

More from Wally’s foster family:

“We like his funny little personality and how he sleeps on his back. He is an easy and very outgoing, happy puppy who loves everyone. Today he and his foster sister were playing chase around the garden bed. He loves being part of the pack. He is a chow hound. He can finish his food in about ten seconds!

“The best home for Wally? He definitely needs someone home with him, someone who will take him outside and watch him, and play with him. Being a puppy, he needs lots of attention and playtime. A forever home that will continue his training is essential. He must have one with lots of love! He has such a sweet spirit that will thrive with kindness.”

Note: Walter/Wally will only be placed with a family consisting adults or older children who can treat a puppy with kindness and respect, and that has ample time throughout the day to devote to raising a puppy to responsible adulthood.