Julie and Erik added a three-month-old bundle of Lab joy named Rigby to their family and it wasn’t long before this adorable girl made herself right at home and had her parents and new Lab brother, nine-month-old Ringo, wrapped around her little paw. There’s never a dull moment as these two romp, play, and nap their way through puppyhood, with big brother leading the way.

Miss Rigby took a moment out of her very busy puppy schedule to catch us up on her new life:

Hi there! My name is Rigby (formally Asher). My new Mom is a huge Beatles fan. I have a brother named Ringo. Ringo is the best big brother a little pup (or nugget, as my Dad calls me) could have. Mom and Dad call him an 85 pound wall of love. We play all the time. Even though I am little I can hold my own with him! I love to play in the snow with him. A new game we play is that I latch on to his tail with my teeth and we run around like that. He doesn’t care and thinks it’s pretty fun. Ringo even helps give me my baths. We wrestle a lot too. When it’s nap time we snuggle up together. We are both still puppies so we take a lot of naps.

My Mom likes to dress us up. Dad says that it’s just something that we have to put up with. He also tells us that it’s worth it because she’s an awesome dog Mom. My cat brother Cooper and I are still getting acquainted. He likes to sit on the table and watch us play. My Mom and Dad say that I am pretty ornery. I like toilet paper and paper towels. They keep doing something called “puppy-proofing” and I keep finding ways around it! Training humans is so hard sometimes! I know they love me and we snuggle a lot. My Mom also gives me yams and apples—they are my favorites. I am really glad that I was able to rescue them. They are pretty lucky that I found them!