Kelli and Mark recently added a six-month-old fox-red bundle of Lab joy named Sadie to their family, and this lovely little girl has snuggled right in and made herself right at home. With lonely days on the streets far behind her and a bright future ahead, sweet Sadie tells us that life with her new family is simply wagalicious every day.
Kelli sent us an update on their new pup: It took us 2 years after the loss of our previous pup, Lucy, to be sure that we were ready for another dog. We made the decision just before Christmas, but because of the holidays, the intake of new dogs had slowed down. Around mid February we got the news that a 6-month-old female was found wandering the countryside in Arkansas, and it was another 2 weeks before she made her way to Colorado via transport. Our oldest son, Jack (16), and I rushed out to meet her and it was an instant match. She jumped right into our laps and gave us the biggest kisses (and to this day is still learning not to be SO generous with the kisses — she’ll hit your tonsils with her tongue if you happen to yawn in her vicinity)!
Sadie was a little tentative the first day, but settled in very quickly. We were shocked that she already seemed potty trained (no accidents!) and was so well behaved. She loves long walks on the trail near our house, but still gets a little scared on the sidewalk when big vehicles drive by. She bonded quickly with every member of the house…my husband, Mark, and our teenage boys, Jack and Sam, and anyone who comes to visit. It almost feels wrong admitting how little effort she is, especially as a puppy. She has learned sit, stay, come, shake and how to take a toy gently. Sadie loves to collect all her toys and put them in one spot, but she’ll only play with one at a time. She definitely doesn’t like when they are spread out throughout the house and will round them up every time. Admittedly we tease her and move them to different rooms to see how long it takes to collect them all. We need to buy her a toy basket so she can “clean up” when she isn’t playing with them. She doesn’t love her kennel but will go in when told and sleeps quietly all night…she has, however, figured out how to open the kennel door if not latched tightly!
We are so blessed and thankful to SHLR for bringing us Sadie and can’t wait to watch her grow up!