I’m sending this with a very heavy heart. On April 8, we had to say goodbye to our beautiful sweet boy, Tanner. We adopted him from you about 6 years ago.
In January we found out he had osteosarcoma cancer in his chest. Without going into everything it was one of the largest the surgeon at Wheat Ridge had dealt with. 4 ribs, part of his lung and pericardium. We had the surgery to remove it and he was doing fantastic. They called him the miracle dog. Five weeks after surgery we found out the cancer had come back and was in his other lung. We were heartbroken. We thought maybe we had gotten lucky.
Since COVID-19 we were able to spend every minute with him. Let him be a dog and do everything and anything to make him happy. Car rides, river time to splash around, etc. We knew he would let us know when he was ready to “go”.
Christine and Arnie Surdyk – Breckenridge