Our Buddy is a charming, friendly, and most engaging little chocolate rascal! He’s a year or so old and tips the scale at a perfect 48 pounds. Buddy was a stray whose owner didn’t want him, and spent many weeks in a noisy shelter.

Now Buddy is living the good life with his foster family! He’s house trained, crate trained, knows ‘sit’, is happy to shake your paw and is working on some other commands

He’s a people-lover through and through who wants to be to be close for pets and maybe a kiss too. When excited he can be bouncy, but settles quickly. He walks pretty well on leash, and gets along well with other dogs; not sure how he feels about cats. Squirrels cause great excitement and, even though he is a little guy, he can jump to peek over a six foot fence if they tease him. Fetch, toys and walks are all on his list of faves.

You probably noticed his left eye. Buddy visited Eye Specialists for Animals for a thorough. evaluation. The vet found that Buddy’s left eye is blind from an old injury. It is not painful, is comfortable and nothing more needs to be done. Buddy notes, “The vet said my right one is perfect!”

His foster family adds:

“Buddy is very affectionate, enjoys having his chest rubbed, and loves to cuddle. He’s full of enthusiasm and tends to jump with excitement when he sees his leash. He greets people affectionately, is playful, has lots of energy and all in all is very happy go lucky.”

A friendly, playful, and affectionate little character, Buddy would love to go home with you and sit and stay forever!