Young Tyler caught Steve and Mona’s eye and then quickly fetched their hearts before they had a chance to resist.  Who can blame them for falling for this handsome Lab lad with a shiny black coat and sunny disposition.  A natural people-pleaser, Tyler continues to impress his new parents with his ability and eagerness to learn as he catches up on his lessons and studies hard to become the very best boy he can be.  Next on Tyler’s to-do list is to convince his new canine sibling, Toby, that he really is an agreeable fellow and worthy a bit of brotherly love.

Steve and Mona tell us:

Tyler (1yr old) is our second SHLR dog. We first adopted Makar when he was 7 months old. At age 2 1/2 he developed cancer. Chemo was not successful. After an amputation, we had to put him down. We had only owned him for 1 1/2 yrs. Heartbreaking!

We didn’t think we’d be ready to adopt again after only 4 months. But Tyler spoke to us. Not only is he a fast learner but also a very loving dog, that only wants to please. He enjoys being around his people. We adopted Tyler on father’s day, he was the perfect gift! We are very lucky to get a boy like Tyler he is going to be exceptional when properly trained. Wicked smart, loving and only wants to please. Other rescue dog, Toby (5yrs), is not thrilled with our new addition but I feel confident that it will be a good fit.

Many thanks Laurie and Randy for fostering Tyler and thank you to Pat for respite fostering and facilitating the adoption.